Windows Linux Mac Patriotnode Setup Guide

Local Patriotnode Setup Guide

Static public IP and open Firewall ports are essential to run a Patriot node!

Step 1 - Download latest version

You can download the latest version of FreedomCoin at our GitHub page.

Step 2 - Run the FreedomCoin wallet and let it fully sync.

Wallet Sync

Once fully sync’d, choose 'Patriot Nodes' from the left column of options (A). Then click on 'Create Patriotnode Controller' (B).
Create Patriot node controller

Follow the prompts on the screen.
New Controller - Step 1

Give your node a name. The following example we have 'FreedNode2023' but you can name it whatever you like.
New Controller - Step 2 - Give name

Set Patriodenode IP and Port
New Controller - Step 3 - Add IP
If you need help finding your ip address, there are many options. is an external site that will show your ip. Your detected ip should be similar to following:

Windows 10 users, click Start > Run > type %appdata% and go to the TrumpCoin folder (Yes the core is still Trumpcoin).
Windows command prompt
Start Run AppData

Here is where things get messy. Locate two files: Trumpcoin.conf and patroitnode.conf. Patriotnode.conf will have your Patriotnode data in it.
Core Folder

Open Patriotnode.conf and examine the first 3 pieces of information in the node name line. Note: You may have lines that start with #, those are commented out. The line without the # is the live config info. Part 1 and Part 2 info should be similar to what you entered in earlier steps.
Patriotnode.conf example
Copy the external IP (Part 2) (ie: and the first hex code (Part 3), “Node start key” and paste this information into the missing details of the trumpcoin.conf file, like so:

    rpcuser=yourrandomusername (Any random name works here ...)	
    rpcpassword=yourrandompassword (Any random password here)
    rpcallowip= (Do not change)
    patriotnodeaddr= (Do not change)
Save the trumpcoin.conf changes and close all your .conf files
Restart wallet.
Go to Patriotnodes tab, select patriotnode named PN and press Start.
Start Patriotnode
You should see 'Successfully started patriotnode (Name)'
Congratulations, your patriotnode is now running!
All patriotnodes need to be active for a certain amount of blocks before they are recognized by the network and eligible for rewards.