Multi Patriotnodes on VPS Ubuntu 64bit Setup Guide

Introduction (GitHub)

This guide is for setting up multiple Patriotnodes on an Ubuntu 64-bit server (VPS), controlled from the wallet on your local computer (Control Wallet). The wallets on the VPS will be referred to as the Remote Wallets.

You will need your server details to proceed through this guide. Below are the basic requirements:

Basic Requirements

  • 10000 FREED for each Patriotnode.
  • The main computer (your everyday computer) – This will run the control wallet, hold your 10000 FREED collateral, and can be turned on or off without affecting the Patriotnodes.
  • Server (VPS) – This will run 24/7.
  • A unique IP address for your VPS/Remote Wallets.
  • VPS server needs 1500 MB RAM for each Patriotnode.

The reasoning for these requirements is to keep your FREED secure in your local wallet while hosting your Patriotnodes remotely.


Using the control wallet:

  1. Enter the debug console (Tools > Debug Console) and type the command: createpatriotnodekey. This will generate a Patriotnode private key for each Patriotnode (referred to as the patriotnode's privkey).
  2. Enter the command: getnewaddress chooseAnyNameForYourPatriotnode. Create a unique address for each Patriotnode.
  3. Send exactly 10000 FREED to the address you generated in step 2. Use the coin control feature to ensure the correct transaction and avoid using previous 10000 FREED coins.
  4. Enter the command: getpatriotnodeoutputs. This retrieves proof of the 10000 FREED transaction.
  5. Open the Patriotnode configuration file (Tools > Open Patriotnode Configuration File) and add a line for each Patriotnode in this format:
<Name of Patriotnode(Use the name you entered earlier for simplicity)> <Patriotnode IP address and port ":15110"> <The result of Step 1> <Result of Step 4> <The number after the long line in Step 4>


PN1 112WPpkqbr7sr6Si4fdsfssjjapuFzAXwETCrpPJubnrmU6aKzh aaf4965ea57a68d0e6dd384324dfd28cfbe0c801015b973e7331db8ce018716999 1
PN2 222WPpkqbr7sr6Si4fdsfssjjapuFzAXwETCrpPJubnrmU6aKzh bbf4965ea57a68d0e6dd384324dfd28cfbe0c801015b973e7331db8ce018712777 0

VPS Remote Wallet Installation

Log in to your VPS console as root or a sudo user and execute the following commands:

cd ~ && sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install unzip nano build-essential -y
mkdir freed1 
cp ./FreedomCoin-Core-Linux/freedomcoind ./freed1
cp ./FreedomCoin-Core-Linux/freedomcoin-cli ./freed1 
unzip -d ~/freed1

Configuration Continued

Create the configuration file:

nano ~/freed1/freedomcoin.conf

Set the file content as follows:

patriotnodeprivkey=Result of Step 1

Replace rpcuser, rpcpassword, and patriotnodeaddr with your own values. Use a unique rpcport for each additional Patriotnode.

Start Patriotnodes

Start the first Patriotnode:

cd ~/freed1 && ./freedomcoind -datadir=./

After syncing, stop the wallet and make a copy of the directory for additional Patriotnodes:

./freedomcoin-cli -datadir=./ stop
rm debug.log wallet.dat
cd && cp -r freed1 freed2

Start Patriotnodes in Local Wallet

Restart the Control Wallet, go to the Patriotnode tab, select your Patriotnode, and press "Start Inactive."

On the VPS, check the status:

cd ~/freed1 && ./freedomcoin-cli -datadir=./ getpatriotnodestatus

If successful, you will see a confirmation message indicating the Patriotnode has started.